Eslmai and Abdi transfer the wards of 7 and 8



Amir Eslmai and Mostafa Abdi, two rights activists of Gonabadi Dervishes, after being transferred from ward 350 to the solitary confinement, have already been transferred to the wards 7 and 8 of Evin prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, these two Dervishes a couple days ago, an order presumably had been issued by the Center of Information Protection, at the beginning of the night were arrested, then were moved to the solitary confinement of 240 from room 8, ward 350. Although the reason of this transfer from room 8 to 240 still has not been known, the prison officials without being declared that who had commanded this order, have transferred them to wards 7 and 8 of Evin prison.
Mr. Abdi and Mr. Eslmai both have participated in the collective hunger strike of Gonabadi Dervishesh, and had recently announced that “we want any view and attitude on Dervishes’ community as a security view to be removed and wiped out”.
It is pertinent to say that these two rights activists of Dervishes along with seven jailed dervishes in prisons of Evin and Nezam in Tehran and Shiraz, by signing a testament had announced that they would not halt hunger strike as long as the civil rights of Dervishes are not met.