Imprison Us for the Protection of Islam, in Address to the Information Minister


2000 of Dervishes who have taken part in the campaign called ” migration from Iran to Evin jail”, by releasing a letter to the information minister asked him if the concept of the term “Dervish” is synonymous with the term “heresy” in his eyes; so, all of these signers of this campaign will be ready to be arrested and imprisoned due to the protection of Islam by the order of the information minister.
According to Majzooban Noor, earlier, the information minister in a lecture to the heads of the department of education national wide had mentioned that “Sufism is in the line and direction of heresy and moral nihilism”, and in address to the teachers mentioned that “students must be prevented to go in the line of Sufism and heresy”.

Here is a full letter of Dervishes in address to the Information Minister;


Mr. Alavi, the Information Minister of Iran;

No long ago, you delivered a lecture in address to the heads of the department of education and expressed concern for religion and society, and in some of your speech you explicitly mentioned that students must be prevented to go in direction of heresy and Sufism.

Mr. Minister;
We, a collection of Gonabadi Dervishes, have recently registered voluntarily in a campaign so called ” migration from Iran to Evin prison”, in protest at the security dilemma on Dervishes’community, in this respect, here we are going to mention to you that because “term” in the text of any speech may contain multiple meanings and concepts, in order to prevent to create an individual interpretation by the audiences springing from the wisdom and sense of political men in the time of their speech; so, you are expected to determine and illustrate the term ” Dervish” in which you used in your speech as an equivalent to the heresy and moral nihilism.
If “Dervish” really means “heresy”, consequently, “Dervish” is synonymous with “infidel”, and in an Islamic society shedding his blood is permissible! Since we explicitly acknowledge in our being Dervish; thus, you are expected to preserve the principle of Islam and the Islamic nation’s territorial integrity; afterward, take the order of our detention through the legal bases and without any forgiveness and mercy under the subject to state law and Islam which unlike your perspective and view will have credibility and reliability in our eyes.
If you used the mentioned term figuratively – which is common in the literature – and you didn’t address particular group or individuals, again so, you are expected to illustrate what you meant the term “Dervish” in your speech. Because over the past decade, due to the terms such as “pseudo-Sufism” which have been told by the officials and governmental administrations in different meetings and gatherings, led to destruction of our mosques and places of religious ceremonies, Dervishes were injured and killed callously. In Qom city, some fanatics and extremists by resorting to such terms, definitions which were not defined, launched a heartless uprising against the Dervishes, burnt our mosques ( Hosseiniyehs) in different cities, such as Boroujerd and Isfahan.

Mr. Hojjat al-Islam;
The experience has shown that the term “Dervish” that you used in your speech which is equivalent to “heresy”, if there is no a conspicuous explanation about the meaning of its concept, it would be a justifiable excuse for the religious fanatics and extremists, and will ignite another conspiracy and incident against Dervishes as the same ones had happened in Kavar, Qom, Isfahan and Boroujerd. Alas, the achievements would be only social insecurity, severe judicial sentences, arrest and detention, successive summons to the security and judicial centers, dismissal from employment, unemployment and various restrictions for Dervishes.

Mr. Minister;
This letter has been sent to you based on the necessity of the preservation of national security, and it comprises the control of zeal and honor of Gonabadi Dervishes as well. Because sufficiently, on one hand, poisonous atmosphere of defamation and slander, and also security view toward Dervishes have occupied their patience so that they are ready voluntarily in group to defend their stated and illustrated rights in law go to prison. It is your call to consider this important issue either with a conspicuous and vivid answer based on conscience and truth, or as it went on earlier, imprison us according to your concept of the term “Dervish” which is equivalent to “heresy and ungodliness” in your perspective.

“migration from Iran to Evin prison Campaign Signatories”