Families of Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes;”To Go to the Prosecutor to See their Dears for the Last Time”

nowrooz dervishesh 01


The families of nine imprisoned Dervishes, who by releasing their wills have gone on hunger strike in prisons of Tehran and Shiraz, are extremely concerned as to the consequences of the hunger strike.
According to majzooban Noor, the families of jailed Dervishes who had been waiting for hours in the visiting room, again were deprived of visiting their dears, and by expressing grave concern about their spouses and children mentioned that they would go to the prosecutor to call on a visit to see their dears on Saturday.
While this decision was taken by the concerned families that over the past two months due to the force of the prison officials on lawyers and right activists to dress the prison uniforms, have been deprived of visiting their loved ones and also completely unaware of their health and physical conditions.
The concern of the families has intensified while their dears have put behind fifteen days of hunger strike so far, and their physical condition lies in an alarming condition. The Dervishes, who had earlier released their wills, announced that they would halt hunger strike when the security view toward Dervishes be removed and wiped out, and complete freedom of followers of the Path of God as well.
Also they mentioned that the chief cause of the hunger strike of these nine Dervishes is due to the illegal frequent pressures from the security officials and government on the followers of the Path of God and Sufism and illustrated that “because there is no one to hear their voice about the hunger strike in neither the judiciary, nor parliament, nor the government; thus, our prisoners will not stop their hunger strike”.
These families went on; “while this time for the last time we are going to see the prosecutor in order to visit our loved ones that during this period we have only received cruelty by the officials. We want to see the face of our dears for the last time, and the only thing that we can do is to see them off to the path that they have chosen”.

According to Majzooban Noor, these nine imprisoned Dervishes in an attempt to end to extrajudicial conducts with Dervishes and followers of the Path of God have gone on the hunger strike since on August 31, 2014, and also released a will saying goodbye and asked for all spiritual brothers and free men and women worldwide to bring all the perpetrators before justice and make them be accountable for all their tortures and cruelties which they have imposed on Dervishes and followers of the Path of God.