In address to the supreme leader; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “The only open door to us is the door of prison”

kahmenie kooch


 The Signers of Campaign “Dervishes migration from Iran to Evin” in an address to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader,called for an investigation into the violation of the rights of Dervishes by security and judicial entitiesand cited that if our demands based on Sharia and law are not met; we would prefer jail to life.
According to report by Majzooban Noor, this is the fourth letter after the release the wills and hunger strike written by the other followers of the mystical Order in address to the Iranian authorities.
The imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes who are now on hunger strike, earlier by releasing a will had announced that they would not stop hunger strike if the security view on Dervishes was not lifted.
The Dervishes in address to the leader wrote that; “the minister lacks dare to speak about the Dervishes because it is known as a critique on government and judicial system. Newspapers are not allowed to write about us because they are threatened to closure. That is how, we feel abandoned in our country, religion and people who have the same religion with us”.
The complete version of the letter of ” migration from Iran to Evin jail ” Campaign Mr. Ayatollah Khamenei is as follows:

In the name of God

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran;
Hazart Ayatollah, what comes in the following, is not to seek justice, but is to inform you as the first figure of the country to what is going on in the society. We, definitely, seek justice from the Ultimate God, but in short, we want to inform you what have happened to us by the pillars of your government. Here is a brief;
They attack, ten years non-stop and in every possible way and means, the followers of Alawi Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes. Provide sentence and political fatwa from such Ayatollahs, put forward mindless and ostensible religious brothers, backed by the security and judicial entities and they misbehave so badly toward people who are their compatriots, and their word is nothing but the name and remembrance of God.
Using sharp swords tear out the bodies of prayers. With the use of special guns used to hunt partridges shoot the body of men of God.
Use and throw tear gas among prayers, pour petrol on them lest they make fire to neutralize the effect of the tear gas, and eventually they set up a condition from fire, slogan and hum which its smoke is the prison sentence , dismissal from employment for Dervishes, house arrest for the Elders ,Grand Masters (Mashayekh) and tribulation for Dervishes. And so ruthlessly and dogmatically by using bulldozers destroyed the worship-places of Dervishes engraved the sacred name of Imam Hossein, which only some broken tiles remained.
Then, it is the turn of Dervishes who brought their action before the judges of the country. But the judge who had already been assigned to support the extremist harbingers, issued a verdict that was pre-determined: imprisonment of Dervishes. When the attorneys came in the middle of the event, their attorney certificates have been canceled and became void; afterward, sentenced to the imprisonment. Then, news writers, who informed and leaked outall these events, were arrested and sentenced. What would be the outcomes? Prison, banishment, lockout, and prohibition for Dervishes. Boycott the media lest they distribute the news of the Dervishes.They close the ears of courts in order not to be heard the voice of Dervishes saying ” stop injustice! “, lest someone wants to help them. Alas; surprisingly, even they go forward beyond this, and on websites, and in seminaries express issues about anti-mysticism. The minister lacks dare to speak about the Dervishes because it is recognized as a critique on government and judicial system. Medias are not allowed to write and to talk about us because they are threatened to closure. That is how, we feel abandoned in our country, religion and among people who have the same religion with us. They hail disaster from four sides on us. The only open door to us is the door of jail now. All doors are closed to us. And there is no choice but to choose the prison to accompany our imprisoned brothers who are the symbols of cruelties which have been imposed upon Dervishes so far.

Hazrat Ayatollah;
We have written a letter to the information minister if he knows us as infidel; so, imprison us. And also to a lawmaker that “if you believe that we do not deserve to enjoy the civil rights, nor are included as members of this nation; so, imprison us. We have written the same to you; “if our demands based on Sharia and law are not met; we would prefer jail to life”.
Please give command to open the doors of prison to us, now that we are banned and deprived of rights, law, justice, life and liberty; so that,all these panics and fears springing from the illusion and imagination of those who are in power, considering that the Dervishes are trying to usurp their power be finished, and one illusive enemy from their imaginative foes declines.

The Signers of Campaign, “Migration of Dervishes from Iran to Evin Prison”