What Happened to the Peaceful Dervish Protesters Gather




Today on Sunday 21 september at 9 a.m, the second day of the rally staged to protest against the unjust conditions of Sufi Dervishes and imprisoned Dervishes turned into conflict and chaos by secourity forces.
Iranian security forces have arrested 800 Gonabadi dervishes Saturday morning, September 20 who had planned to gather at 11 a.m. in front of Tehran’s Prosecutor’s Office in solidarity with the imprisoned Dervishes who are in critical condition after 21 days of hunger strike. The families of the prisoners and a large number of women and children are amongst the arrestees. They are saying that if their brothers’ demands are not met, they too would want to join them i prison. Their sole crime is that they are dervish.
After the protest gathering was announced by the Dervishes, on Saturday morning, the security and anti-riot agents to the street leading to the Prosecutor’s Office in Ark Square (central Tehran). They closed down the street, as well as the exits of Tehran’s Bazaar metro, in an effort to prevent the formation of this gathering. They are preventing protesters from standing and even sitting in front of the Prosecutor’s Office. The families of the dervishes, particularly the women who resisted the coercions by the suppressive forces, were assaulted, insulted and battered.
Those apprehended were taken to various police stations, including police station 113 in the Bazaar, 107 in Palestine, 124 in Qolhak, 159 in Bee-sim (Shush), 130 in Naziabad, 109 in Baharestan, 114 in Qiassi, Narmak (Haft Hoz), 156 in Afsariyeh, 145 in Vanak, 181 in Karaj, 160 in Khazaneh, 106 in Namjou, 118 in Satarkhan, Majidiyeh, Khani Abad, 156 in Kian Shahr, 139 in Marzdaran, and 134 in Shahrak-e Gharb.
Nine of the imprisoned Dervishes: Messrs. Hamidreza Moradi Sarvestani, Afshin Karampour, Farshid Yadollahi, Reza Entesari, Amir Eslami, Omid Behroozi, Mostafa Daneshjou, Mostafa Abdi and Kasra Nouri have staged a hunger strike in the Evin and Shiraz prisons since August 31 to demand complete release of the Sufi Dervishes’ community from prisons and for the regime to be held accountable for years of violation of Dervishes’ rights. The imprisoned Dervishes in recent years have been under great pressure. In addition to physical tortures, on numerous occasions they have been transferred to ordinary prisoners’ ward or to solitary confinement without any lawful reason.