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The Families of Jailed Dervishes Visit Wounded in the Attack by Security Forces on Gonabadi Dervishes

khanevade zakhmi


Following the bloody attack by security forces on Gonabadi Dervishes in the last days of Shahrivar/September who were planning to gather with closed eyes and hands in front of the prosecutor’s office, the families of nine jailed Dervishes have paid visit to the casualties of this attack and comforted them.
According to Majzooban Noor, hundreds of Gonabadi Dervishes as supporters of the nine hunger strikers gathered outside the Office of Tehran’s Prosecutor in Arq Square, Tehran, on 21 and 22 September, to support their demands that the authorities respect the “civil rights” of Gonabadi Dervishes as “equal members of society”. Those present at the protest reported that riot police were deployed to disperse the crowd, arresting over 800 people, and injuring at least 60, including several children, using batons, electric cables, buckshot and tear gas. This report adds Sunday’s attack on Dervishes by military and security forces left dozens injured, and the health condition of four of them based on the received reports is still so severe and serious.
During the past two days, the families of nine jailed Dervishes have visit a number of injured Dervishes in their homes and medical centers in Tehran and Karaj.
Also, the families contacted some injured Dervishes from other cities through the phone, expressed their heartfelt appreciation to them.

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