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Protests in London Against The Iranian Government’s Treatment of Sufis


This afternoon a members of The International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights In Iran (IOPHRI) gathered at Trafalgar Square, London, to protest the Iranian governments treatment of Sufis, and demanded the freedom of the imprisoned Sufis.

This is protest was in support of last weekend’s demonstration in Tehran, Iran by hundreds of Sufis who gathered outside of the courts demanding the freedom of their fellow Sufis who had been imprisoned by the authorities as part of their crackdown against all forms of worship that does not adhere to the strict extremist ideology supported by the Iranian Regime.

During their protest the London members of IOPHRI also demanded the freedom of nine Sufi pensioners who have been on hunger strike for 4 weeks, in order to protest to their treatment, by the regime.

On Thursday Amnesty International also called for freedom of the nine jailed members of Iran’s Gonabadi dervish (Sufis) religious minority who began a hunger strike on 31st August, to protest the authorities’ harassment and persecution of Gonabadi dervishes across the country. These nine prisoners who are now critically ill, were considered prisoners of conscience, by Amnesty International.