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Reporter who covered Isfahan protests set free on bail



Arya Jafari, an ISNA reporter detained for nine days by the Isfahan Revolutionary Guards for covering public protests against acid attacks on women, was released on bail today, October 31.

Three ISNA staff members were arrested following their reports on the protests, and Jafari is the last to be released.

The attacks on women in Isfahan have triggered widespread outrage in the city, leading to protests and demands for swift action by the authorities.

The authorities have tried to downplay the incidents by claiming that any attempt to focus too much attention on the issue is “anti-Revolutionary”.

In an open letter to the authorities, 129 journalists made a public plea for the release of Arya Jafari, reminding them of the right to a free press.

The authorities have been very critical of linking the acid assaults on women to various plans to enforce hijab, the Islamic dress code.

Radio Zamaneh