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Doctors Express Concern about Mostafa Daneshjou’s Lung Infection



Despite prison doctors infirmary’s concerns over the deteriorating health conditions of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou, he has been deprived of medical treatment.
According to Majzooban Noor, imprisoned lawyer and Dervish rights activist Mostafa Daneshjou who is suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma, since last night, has suffered from severe coughs and so far he has been taken twice to central prison’s infirmary, but despite doctors’ concerns over his lung infection and their recommendations regarding the need for hospitalization and medical care, unfortunately the prison authorities continued to refuse to allow him to be sent to medical centers.
The mentioned Dervish who is being held in the financial section 8 of Evin prison, has had frequent asthma attack and trouble breathing , over the past five days.
It is worth mentioning, the spread of respiratory diseases among inmates due the cold weather and bad prison conditions including overcrowding, poor sanitation, inadequate ventilation and are very worrying. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), there are 800 prisoners held in Ward 8 of Evin prison which has four halls (Halls number 7, 8, 9 , and 10), while this ward has the capacity to hold just 500 prisoners.
Mostafa Daneshjou who is suffering from severe respiratory disease also suffers from heart failure now should be examined by a doctor once every 15 days as his doctors advise.

Also the doctors recommended, he should be prevent of the most important risk factors for having an asthma and heart attack by medical care and a period of cardiac and respiratory rehabilitation due to the cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Tehran Heart Center but his request was ignored by the judicial authorities and suffers difficult detention condition in Evin prison and is deprived of receiving necessary medical care and access to specialist medical treatment outside prison.