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Gonabadi Dervish Charged with “Acting against National Security by Liking and Sharing Posts on Facebook



A Gonabadi Dervish was charged with “acting against national security” and “disturbing public opinion”, by “Liking” a news article posted by Human Rights Activists News Agency and sharing two poster on facebook about “Gonabadi Dervishes gathering” and “Black Thursday” attack on political prisoners in Ward 350 of Evin Prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, based on a report by security police of Khorasan Province, Revolutionary Courts in the city of Gonabad issued a summons in writing for Mr. Salman Hosseini Baidokhti after repeated summons via phone and finally by citing his personal facebook, accused him of “acting against national security” and “disturbing public opinion” by virtual networking activities in the interest of enemies and alien political groups.

During the interrogation, the mentioned dervish has denied the political activities by Gonabadi dervishes and said that his activities have been in order to express sympathy and solidarity with his brothers in faith and also in defense of his social rights, but interrogator, Mr. Amiri has announced that the Dervishes gather in front of Tehran Prosecutor’s office was an illegal gathering and attendance at this rally has been a crime.
After issuance of bail bonds, Mr. Salman Hosseini Baidokhti was temporarily released until the start of his trial.
Majzooban Noor adds that, despite the words of the advisor of the highest executive authority, Ali Younesi, that the dervishes’ issue is being solved, still extremists in websites, some classes and courses in offices, departments, military entities, and even also on programs of radio and TV use insulting, offensive and illegal words against dervishes and followers of mysticism. And there has been a huge wave of arrests, dismissal of dervishes from their work and exile, which over the past ten years has had a sharp increase; so that, during these years dozens of dervishes have been sentenced to one hundred year to jail, exile and various deprivations.