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Mostafa Daneshjou Hospitalized Under Tight Security



Mostafa Danshjou, imprisoned dervish activist and lawyer of Gonabai Dervishes in Evin prison, after the severity of his lung disease and respiratory tract infections was admitted to Imam. Khomeini General Hospital in Tehran, under conditions of high security.
According to Majzooban Noor, Judicial and prison agents along with the mentioned lawyer, even refused to let his wife and his little daughter meet him.
Mostafa Daneshjou has been hospitalized while according to physicians, in addition to the development of lung infections, is now also suffering from liver dysfunction.
His medical team say that his health has deteriorated as a result of poor prison conditions.
Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou who is charged with political crimes is being incarcerated in the general ward 8 in Evin prison, a place for common criminals.