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Arabi death sentence under review

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The Supreme Court of Iran is reviewing the death sentence issued for political prisoner Soheil Arabi, the judiciary has announced.

Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, the spokesman for the judiciary, reported on Tuesday December 2 that there is no discussion of granting Arabi a pardon; however, a request to review his file has been granted.

On November 30, Nastraran Naimi, Arabi’s wife gave an interview to Zamaneh, saying she had requested a review of her husband’s sentence and was optimistic a review would change it.

Last December, Soheil Arabi was arrested for criticizing Iranian government policies on his Facebook page. He was later sentenced to death for the charge of “insulting the prophet and sanctities.”

AmirSalar Davoudi, one of Arabi’s lawyers, has also called for a review of his case and expressed every hope that a review will overturn the sentence.

Radio Zamaneh