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Bafgh mine workers protest in Tehran for back wages

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Mine workers at Koshk Mine in Bafgh travelled to Tehran to stage a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade to protest management’s neglect of their demands.

ILNA reports that one of the workers, who was taking photos of the protests, was taken to the ministry’s security office.

The miners arrived in their mining work clothes, telling an ILNA reporter that they represent 260 miners from the Kooshk Bafgh Mine. They maintain that they have not been paid for the past two months.

The miners stopped work there two months ago, halting operations for a week and demanding three months in back wages.

The miners returned to work following mediation by the governor’s office and the local labour board and the payment of one month’s wages.

The miners’ representative also told ILNA that they had written twice to the ministers of both industry and labour but heard nothing in response. The letter also contains grievances regarding poor and inhumane working conditions.

Radio Zamaneh