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Rohani reportedly ordered review of house arrests



Opposition website Saham News reports that Hassan Rohani has ordered a review of the house arrest of the leaders of the Green Movement in the next session of the Supreme Council of National Security.

The report indicates that President Rohani announced in the last session that the house arrest of Mehdi Karroubi, MirHosein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard is one of the top concerns of his administration.

He has reportedly stressed that the judiciary is the chief government body responsible for handling this matter and expressed dismay that the judiciary is trying to shirk its duty.

The head of the judiciary recently responded to MP Ali Motahari’s criticism that the three figures are under house arrest without any judicial orders, saying the house arrest can be justified as a decision of the Supreme Council of National Security without the involvement of the judiciary.

Rohani had promised in his campaign for presidency that he would address the problem of the house arrests, but hardliners have stood firm against any change in the situation of the three opposition leaders.

Radio Zamaneh