Court of Kavar Forms a New File for Salehedin Moradi



The family of Salehedin Moradi, a rights activist of Gonabadi Dervishes, was told by the prosecutor of city Kavar that the arrest sentence of the mentioned dervish in detention center of Information Office so – called No. 100 has been ordered and conducted by this judicial Institution.

This official figure mentioned that the charge of Mr. Moradi is to stimulate the dervishes in Kavar, and added of formation a new file against this rights activist. This judicial official also kept on that after the interrogation from Mr. Moradi in the Information Office in Shiraz, his prior sentence which is included thirty lashes and two years in exile in Bandar Lengeh (a port small city in Hurmozgan province) will be implemented.
It should be added that the family of this rights activist yesterday on 13 Esfand (March 4, 2015) in a tight security space could meet him for 10 minutes.
Gonabadi Dervish, Saleh Moradi Sarvestani who had been arrested in year 1390 (2012) due to the sedition of the religious extremists in Kavar; afterward, approximately he spent two years of his life in jail, in addition to his new case formed by the Court of Kavar for him, he has an opened file in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz as well.