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Abdulfatah Sultani Deprived of Medical Furlough



Medical leave permission for Abdulfatah Sultani, imprisoned lawyer, is still rejected by prosecution authorities, despite his serious health condition and medical repeated statements.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Deputy Prosecutor Supervisor on political prisoners in Evin prison, Khodabakhshi, has stated that the reason for preventing this medical leave is “Insisting on his political positions”.

Mr. Khodabakhshi, deputy supervisor in Evin prison, has told Mr. Sultani’s wife that as long as he is on his “political position”, he is not entitled for leave.

Ms. Maedeh Sultani, daughter of this lawyer, told HRANA’s reporter: “After My father heard this reason, objected Mr. Khodabakhshi when he was visiting Evin prison, and asked him that based on which rules he has said that, while a judge should be impartial.”

According to HRANA’s report, although Mr. Sultani’s family has hardly provided the amount of requested bail of 1 billion Tomans and also they have paid expert’s expenses, but, still his medical leave has not been approved. Regarding possibility of New Year’s leave, Ms Sultani, by referring to the ineffectiveness of their requests for leave, said: “If they would give permission for a Leave, the medical leave is more important and more urgent, which has not been given, and regarding the leave for Nuwrooz, we do not have any new news and we are still waiting.”

Mr. Sultani, a well-known lawyer and human rights activist in several cases, has been the prosecution authorities’ aim of anger, just because of his resistance in legality.

Abdulfatah Soltani, a founding member of the Association of Human Rights Defenders, in March 2011 was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment in exile in Borazjan city and 20 years banned from practicing law by the Islamic Revolution Court branch 26 in Tehran, presided by Judge Pirabbasi,
but in the appeal court, his imprisonment sentence was reduced to 13 years imprisonment.