More than 23 Years of Imprisonment for 6 Protesters to the Raid in Ward 350

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By the verdict of judge Salavati, the head of branch number 15 of the revolutionary court, 6 protesters who gathered in front of the presidential office during April 2014, to show their remonstration to beating the prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison, known as Black Thursday, have been sentenced to a total of 23 years and 9 months.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the raid to ward 350 had been done on April 17, 2013, in which the prison guards rushed into the ward on the pretext on inspection and beat the prisoners. Many prisoners were injured and after that, many were transferred to solitary confinement, some exiled and many prisoners were profiled.

After this incident, the families of prisoners of ward 350, had some demonstration in front of the parliament, Supreme Court and presidential office. Following the demonstration in front of presidential office, Esmaeili who was suspected of ordering the raid, was appointed as the persecutor of Tehran.

Demonstration in front of the Supreme Court had no arrestees, but in the demonstration in front of the presidential office, 6 people were arrested by the revolutionary guards and were transferred to ward 2-A in Evin prison without any arraignment.

Milad Poor Eisa, journalist, is one the arrestees who has been sentenced to 6 years and three months in prison. He gave the image of few pages of his case to HRANA, but told to our reporter that due to not having the permission and security reasons he could not mention the names of the others:

“I was arrested along with two others. The majority of questions were about why we had attended the demonstration while we did not have any relationship with the prisoners. Others were transferred to Evin, but I was released due to my bad physical condition and spinal cord. But few days later I was rearrested and my house was investigated and I was interrogated regarding every detail, even my mother’s diaries and changing my Facebook account password after my arrest. When I was released on 50 million Tomans bail, I realized that seven people were arrested on that day. I met some of them when we were summoned to the court”.

According to Mr. Poor Eisa, these six people were tried in one case and the seventh person has been tried with the same allegation but in a different case.

Branch number 25 of the revolutionary court with chief judge Salavati has sentenced these six people in total to 23 years and 9 months, only in one session, without any notice and without lawyer. Milad Poor Eisa is sentenced to 75 months and other people 42 months in prison each.

The only charge that is put on Mr. Poor Eisa is collusion and the maximum penalty for that could be 5 years according to the penal code. This case has been sent in silence to branch number 36 of the appeal court of Tehran with chief judge Zargar. While authorities of branch 36 of the appeal court insisted that the verdict will be issued in six months, there are some news that the verdict has been already issued again without giving any chance to defend themselves.

Another wired point in this case is that the branch number 36 of the appeal court has not submitted the final verdict yet with the excuse that verdict is not typed. While announcing the verdict is a primitive right of defendants in a court.