New Researches on the Quran: Why and How Two Versions of Islam Entered the History of Mankind (By: Dr.seyed mostafa Azmayesh)

This book focuses on the time before the Quran and the emergence of Islam. The research delves into the origin of the Quran, using its verses alongside investigative works which support various new theories. The Quran is a written document which, according to recent discoveries such as, the recently discovered world’s oldest Quran manuscript at the University of Birmingham, can be traced to the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad. It focuses on the time preceding Islam and highlights the relationships that are pivotal for understanding the development of Islam. The danger posed by false interpretations of the Quran has become increasingly more serious from first appearance of Islam until today, the result of which we can see clearly in our current world. Hence the Quran itself is the most important document to be researched and studied for resolving the problems caused by its false interpretation.