The Sufi’s Path: Mevlevi Order (Part Three)


Mevlevi Order   What is Çelebi?
Çelebi is the title given to the Mevlevi leaders. Among Anatolian people Çelebi also means gentleman, well-mannered and courteous.

After Mevlana’s death his pupil Husameddin Çelebi was offered the post. Later it became a tradition to select a post Çelebi among the male members of Mevlana’s family. The current Çelebi, Faruk Hemdem is the son of Dr. Çelebi and the 20th great-grandson of Mevlana (22nd generation descendant) and he is the 33rd Çelebi to occupy the post.

The list on the right shows the Çelebis in 20th century only. For a the full list of Çelebis, as well as Mevlana’s other direct descendants please see the Mevlana Family Tree.Mevlana Family Tree   Dr. Çelebi Family Tree   Family List Dr. Çelebi had a very large family. That is not only due his five children, nor due to his heritage as a Çelebi and hence, belonging to one of the oldest families in the world, but also due to his mother’s and his wife’s family. Dr. Çelebi is the 19th great-greatson of Mevlana (21st generation descendant). He is also a descendant of Namik Pasha and Hasan Pasha, both famous figures in the history of the Ottoman Empire.
‏Dr. Çelebi and his wife Guzide Çelebi (Uraz) are cousins. His mother and his wife’s mother are sisters and are descendants of Hasan Pasha, whereas his wife’s mother is a descendant of Namik Pasha.
‏A simplified family tree showing Dr. Çelebi’s ascendants is displayed above.

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