Mevlevi Order What is Çelebi?
Çelebi is the title given to the Mevlevi leaders. Among Anatolian people Çelebi also means gentleman, well-mannered and courteous.
After Mevlana’s death his pupil Husameddin Çelebi was offered the post. Later it became a tradition to select a post Çelebi among the male members of Mevlana’s family. The current Çelebi, Faruk Hemdem is the son of Dr. Çelebi and the 20th great-grandson of Mevlana (22nd generation descendant) and he is the 33rd Çelebi to occupy the post.
The list on the right shows the Çelebis in 20th century only. For a the full list of Çelebis, as well as Mevlana’s other direct descendants please see the Mevlana Family Tree.Mevlana Family Tree Dr. Çelebi Family Tree Family List Dr. Çelebi had a very large family. That is not only due his five children, nor due to his heritage as a Çelebi and hence, belonging to one of the oldest families in the world, but also due to his mother’s and his wife’s family. Dr. Çelebi is the 19th great-greatson of Mevlana (21st generation descendant). He is also a descendant of Namik Pasha and Hasan Pasha, both famous figures in the history of the Ottoman Empire.
Dr. Çelebi and his wife Guzide Çelebi (Uraz) are cousins. His mother and his wife’s mother are sisters and are descendants of Hasan Pasha, whereas his wife’s mother is a descendant of Namik Pasha.
A simplified family tree showing Dr. Çelebi’s ascendants is displayed above.