Shams-e-Tabrīzī (or Shams al-Din Mohammad, literally: Sun of Islam; 1185–1248) was an Iranian Sufi mystic born in the city of Tabriz in Iranian Azerbaijan. He introduced Mawlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi, usually known as Rumi in the West, to Islamic mysticism, for which he was immortalized in Rumi’s poetry collection Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz-i (“The Works of Shams of Tabriz”). Shams lived together with Rumi in Konya, in present-day Turkey, for several years, and is also known to have traveled to Damascus in present-day Syria.
Shams Tabrizi died in Khoy and is buried there. tomb of Shams-e Tabrizi is in Khoy, Western Azerbaijan, iran. His tomb has been nominated as a World Cultural Heritage Center by UNESCO.A saint by the name of Shams-i Tabrīzī is also buried at Multan, Pakistan. The tomb stone clearly indicates it is the same Shams-i Tabrīzī, who was the spiritual mentor of Rumi. But this is wrong actually this tomb belongs to Hazrat Pir Shamsuddin Sabzwari Multani who is the pir of the Ismaili spiritual and theological school.
The tomb of Shams is located in Khoy and is in the form of a 12-meter [39-feet] high cylindrical tower. The monument was erected by Shah Esmaeil in the Safavid era.