On the path Moses came upon a shepherd His prayers with his God he overheard. Where are you so your needs I can serve Mend your shoes, your hair comb, curl & curve. Wash your clothes, kill your lice, pick your nits Bring you milk, while your Majesty just sits. Kiss your lovely hands, and rub your tiny feet When it is time to sleep, sweep your room, make it neat. For you I will sacrifice all my goats Thinking of you I shout and sing my notes.
The shepherd is this manner went on and on Moses asked, who do you talk to my son? Said to the only One who gave me birth Did the same with the skies and this earth. Said Moses, poor man, you just ruined your luck Not yet found God, infidel, you are stuck. You blaspheme, you babble such idle talk Gag yourself, inside your mouth stick a sock. Of your blasphemy, the whole world now stinks Piety in mire and muck now sinks. Sandals and leggings are what you deserve Wanting all these for the One, you have some nerve. If at once you do not hold your tongue Fire and brimstone will burn so strong If there is no fire, then whence the smoke? Soul is blackened and spirit is broke. Did you know that God himself will be the Judge? Your belief and insolence will make him grudge. Mindless friendship is no more than enmity God has such servant for as long as eternity. Who do you think you address? Uncle or aunt? For Glorious One, body and need don’t count. He who drinks milk needs to be growing up Shoes are but for the feet that need to walk or hop. If you speak of these, say for creatures What God said, he is me, I, his features. He who thus speaks, will roll in disease As well as he, I too have lost my ease. He who has lost hearing as well as sight This disease is much worse, with endless fright. If you call him Fatima, a woman’s name Though in creation, they are both the same Will seek vengeance with blood, and will blame Although compassionate, kind and perhaps tame. Fatima, for a woman is only praise For a man, spear wound, set ablaze. Arms and legs our features define and paint Yet for Almighty God, pollute and taint. What the Almighty deserves is only praise Parent & child, he will give birth and raze. Whatever has a body, birth must own And what is born, on this side is thrown. Everything in existence in this world Is caused and no doubt will unfold.
Said, Moses, you have now cut my tongue I repent, cause you have made my soul wrong. Rent his own shirt, steamed and sighed Unto the arid desert fled and cried.