The Sufi Path of Qadiriyye(Part Four)





The dictionary meaning of dhikr is remembrance, mentioning. Dhikr in the Sufi literature is used to mean the remembrance of Allah anytime in any place in the plain of speech, deeds and contemplation.

Dhikr in Qadiri Path is made as loud. The followers of Qadiri Path raise their voices as much as they can hear themselves, dhikr is made as round dhikr if three followers come together. The dhikrs of tawhid “La ilahe illallah” and lafza “Allah” form the essence in the Qadiri Path.

Now, friend of Allah is said to someone who follows the path of Quran and Sunnah and does dhikr to Allah a lot. The people who do dhikr are such sweet people. Allah Almighty commands: “One does not say any word without angels recording what he says being there.”(22)

Every dhikr comes to existence, raises to the station of Mustajab (acceptance) and begs until the day of judgement in this way: “ O Lord! Such servant of you has remembered you through me, has turned unto you, bestow your mercy upon him! Then, Allah Zul-Jalal “You be witness, as this servant of me has made dhikr to me, he has asked from me. I will honour him with paradise and my appearance, Allah promises. Indeed, our Lord does not turn back on his promise. Allah commands: “Allah does not turn away from his promise, Allah stays true to his promise, he does what he promised.”(23)

Everything prays to people of dhikr with the language of state of existence. The night says, o lord! I am finding piece with his dhikr. The day says, O lord! This servant of you is making dhikr to you. I am enjoying his dhikr. Save him from worldly worries and the worries of the hereafter. By sayin these they beg to Allah. The Night also prays for the people of ignorance and wrongdoing by saying. “O lord! I am fed up with this unclean person‟s harassment. He is spending his days away from your name, in ignorance. Please give him a calamity and save me from his harassment.” Day also says bad prayers in this way: “O lord! This person is eating your food but he is not thanking you. Please bring trouble and suffering onto him. Save me from this ungrateful one. Or take away his body from your clean earth and put into hell.” Event the waters the people of dhikr pray for them. Mountains and stones join the people of dhikr. Indeed, everything does dhikr to Allah with the language of state of existence. Allah zul-Jalal commands: “there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory!”(24) There is nothing without dhikr.

By the fact that many Sufi paths have been contributed to this Sufi path, and the road of Muhammadiya has become a great sea of Marifat(Sufi term for divine knowledge) dhikr can both be made loud or quite.


In the Sufi path of Qadiri, dhikr can be performed in any place by bringing together three people. As, our master Prophet PBUH had said; “The earth is like a Masjid for the believers.”(25)

In Muhammadiya Sufi branch, anyplace where salah prayer can be performed is accepted to be a suitable place to do loud dhikr. The place where dhikr is made is called “Samahana” or “Tawhidhana”. The performing of dhikr is called “Maydan Achma” or “Mukabala”. Dhikr is managed by murshid or his representative or someone who has been granted permission by them. If the mureeds had not been able to find such a possibility, then, the ones who are about to sit for dhikr chose someone who will be able to manage the dhikr. Dhikr has no set place or time. But to open “Maydan” the permission of the Honourable Sayyid Afandi is needed. The affiliates sit in the form of cicle with wudu and mostly after the salah prayer. Sitting can be as straight lines facing each other. But, sitting in the form of circle is more noble. The ones who are not part of the dhikr circle or affiliates of other Sufi Paths can join with permission, or they can sit immediately behind the dhikr circle. The dhikr that is performed in a sitting position is called “Kuudi Dhikr” in that, whole of the dhikr but in general the Avrad(daily prayers) and the Azkar(dhikrs) of the Sufi Path is performed like this. Kuudi dhiks are performed by standing and sitting on knee caps, sometimes leaning towards right and left, sometimes by turning the head form right to left. The dhikr performed standing is called “Kiyami Dhikr”. In “Kiyami Dhikrs” generally, Tawhid, Ism-i Jalal (Allah), Ism-i Hayy, Ism-i Hu dhikrs are made. This dhikr is made by leaning towards riht and left, hand-in-hand or arm-in-arm, sometimes the affiliate holds the shoulder of the one on his right by his right hand, and puts his left hand to lower back of the one on his left and they do dhikr by moving to right and left. The dhikrs done by moving to right and left is called “Davrani Dhikr”. The affiliates holding hand-in-hand, arm-in-arm or right hand on the right shoulder of the next one and left hand on his back turn around the “Samahana” by doing the dhikrs of Ismi jalal (Allah), Hay Hay, Hu Hu, Allah Hay, Yâ Allah Hay and some other Beautiful Names of Allah, they move with great harmony by stepping right and left , by having the right foot in front and left foot slightly behind, minding not to crash onto each other. During the zikr, singing Ilahi‟s, and playing musical instruments like bandir, tambourine, Kudum, Nay and Hallila are allowed to give harmony to dhikr and ilahis. It is necessary to perform the zikr according to the given principles and manners, not to break the harmony of the zikr, not to leave the zikr circle without permission from the manager or without absolute necessity, to mind ikhlas, sincerity and takva, to avoid showing off and falsehood, to avoid all kind of behaviour, speech and thought which might would badly affect the spiritual taste experienced.


Supplication is: One‟s admission of his weakness to his creator by turning towards Allah and praying. Allah Almighty commands: (O my Prophet) Say that: “My Lord would not concern Himself with you but for your call on Him” (26)

Calling on Allah a lot is a sign of closeness to Him. Indeed, prophets are people who have prayed to Allah the most during their lives.
Supplication is the weapon, the sword and the door of salvation for the believer; the believer must make supplication with his heart, tongue and good deeds. Allah almighty commands: “Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer).”(27)

Supplications are answered. Allah almighty commands that; “When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way.” (28)

Friends of Haq supplicate a lot. This supplication joins the supplications of the saints and Abdulqadir Jilani and ascents to Allah. The prayers of saints are widely acceptable. This is a good example for this: Hazrat Maruf-u Kerhi has made good prayer to hazrat Sirr-i Sakati when he did a favour to an orphan. One day a fire breaks out in the high street in which hazrat Sirr-i Sakati had his shop. All the shops in the street burns, apart from the shop of hazrat Sirr-i Sakati. The shop of hazrat Sirr-i Sakati had not burned because of the prayer of hazrat Maruf-u Kerhi.

Supplicating to Allah is a duty for servants. Our duty is to pray to Allah; regardless of whether our prayers are accepted now, or delayed to a later date, or not accepted for the reason of not being to our best interest.

Allah does not like the tongue which does not supplicate to Him. No matter how sinner a person is, if he supplicates to Allah, Allah Most Glorified loves him and leads him to the right path.

Allah Almighty commands that: “And those who strive in Our (cause),- We will certainly guide them to Our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right.”(29)

22 – Chapter Qaf, verse 18

23 – Chapter Rum – verse 6; Chapter Ali-Imran – verse 9; cahapter Zumer – verse 20; cahapter Rad – verse 31.

24 – chapter Isra, verse 44

25 – Buhârî, Teyemmüm, 1; Müslim, Mesâcid, 3.

26- Chapter Furqan – Verse – 77

27- Chapter Mumin– Verse – 60

28-Chapter Baqara – Verse – 186

29-Chapter Al-Ankabut – Verse – 69

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