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Mostafa Daneshjou, lawyer of Gunabadi Dervishes Expelled from University


mostafa daneshjou 2017 0001


mostafa daneshjou 2017 001Majzooban Noor reports that Mostafa Daneshjou, lawyer of Gunabadi Dervishes, by the letter released by the security department of Azad University as well as the order of security centers has been impeded to continue his further education in the field of criminal law and criminology.
The expulsion of Mr. Daneshjou comes only hours after the announcement of the presidential election results, as Hassan Rouhani and his first deputy, Ishaq  Jahangiri, repeatedly in their lectures, campaigns and presidential debates were claiming that the expansion of political freedoms in educational entities was vividly discernable at the time of their presidency.  

It should be noted that the license of the aforementioned figure’s attorney at the time of defense of the rights of dervishes of Gunabadi Nematollahi  was annulled by the report of the security departments, and also the years 2011 to 2015 was imprisoned in the ward 350 of Evin Prison along with webmasters of Majzooban Noor, lawyers and rights activists of Gunabadi dervishes under charges of membership in an anti –  security  Order of dervish, act against national security, propaganda against the regime as well as disturbance of officials’ minds.

The content of the letter released by the department respected is as follows:

To: Honorable president of the Islamic Azad University (Electronic Course)

“Kindly, following the announcement of the result of applicants who have been accepted to Master (M. A) year 95 (2016), command to impede to enroll the name of Mostafa Daneshjou been accepted the field of criminal law and criminology, and then announce the result to the Assessment and Reception Center for the next steps”.