The reprimanding by God Most High of Moses– peace be upon
him– for the shepherd’s sake
A revelation from God came to Moses: “You separated Our
servant from Us.
“Did you come for the sake of uniting or did you come
for the sake of separating and cutting off?
“As much as you are able, do not step in (the direction
of) separation. The most hateful of (lawful) things to Me is
“I have given to every person a (particular) nature and
temperament, (and) I have given to every person a
(particular) form of speech and idiomatic expression.
“It is praiseworthy in regard to him, but blameworthy in
regard to you; it is (like) honey in regard to him, but
(like) poison in regard to you.
1755 “We are (utterly) free from every (form of) purity or
impurity (and) from every (kind of) sluggishness or
“I did not command (something) so that I might make a
profit, but so that I might do a generous kindness for (My)
“The idiomatic speech of (the country of) Hind is the (mode of)
praise (of God) for the Hindians, (and) the idiomatic speech of Sind
is the (mode of) praise for the Sindians.
“I do not become pure and holy by their praise, but they
become purified and shining (by it).
“We do not regard the tongue and (outward) speech, (but)
We regard the soul and the (inward) state.
We are the Observer of the heart, (to see) if it is
humble, even though the spoken words may not be humble.
“Because the heart is the substance, (but) talking (is
only) the outward quality. Therefore, the substance (is) the
desired object (and) the outer quality is dependent.
“So many of these phrases, ideas, and metaphors! I want
burning, burning. Become harmonious with that burning!
“Ignite a fire of love in (your) soul (and) burn up
thoughts and explanations, completely!
O Moses! Those who know polite manners are one kind.
(And) those who are inflamed of soul and spirit are another