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Defense proclamation of education right (in protest against educational deprivation of Gunabadi Dervishes )

emza bayaniye haghe tahsil 2017

This is Kasra Noori، one of Majzoobane Noor website administrator and of Gonabadi Daravishes rights activist. In recent months some of darvishes have deprived of education in my country Iran. Due to this more than 2000 students have published an objection statement titled: ” in defend of education right” . The statement has been called up to collect signatures. Also the students have tweeted the issue  in tweeter under education_right hashtag.
I will send you the statement and the list of the links of   agencies which have published this issue. We will greatly appreciate your favor if you publish this issue so that the world would hear us.
Sincearly yours
Kasra Noori

Right to education,  is the basic right of people in society that Iran’s rules and international rules clearly emphasized on it. Based on these rules,  every citizen regardless of gender,  ethnicity and religion have the right of educational facilities.

But sometimes different group of Iranians hat witnessed the violation of their social rights.  Groups that  compression in center of variety of discriminatory  proceedings and some times paid the price of their belief with their life; and also for their rights activists create numerous abstacles by security devices and judicial system. Among these groups are Gunabadi Dervishes that in last months the domination look of security on them cause education deprivation and prevented from teaching of some Dervishes students and professors in universities in the country.

In the latest example of these deprivations, Mostafa Daneshju that was studying Criminal Law and Criminology field in Azad university of Tehran;  because of belief on Friary doctrine , On Saturday, Persian date Ordibehesht 30 with direct order of security institution expelled from university.

With emphasis on education and studying right as the basic rights of each person of society regardless of every opinion and belief, should remove their educational prohibition with take the security look from every guilds and stratums amongst Gunabadi Dervishes.

Now when the student in university banned from continuing education because of his believes,  we the group of students decided to condemn this action. This time a Dervish student deprived from education and perhaps another day, as we saw; another person with another belief become depreved from education, job and life. we hope that with our unremitting efforts and with accepting all the costs ahead remove this deprivations that the days ahead will be a time that we can live together as human.