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Defense proclamation of education right (in protest against educational deprivation of Gunabadi Dervishes )

emza bayaniye haghe tahsil 2017

This is Kasra Noori، one of Majzoobane Noor website administrator and activist of Gonabadi Daravishes’ rights. In recent months, some of darvishes have been deprived of education in my country, Iran. Due to this, 3000 students have published an objection statement titled: “in defend of right to education” . The statement has been called up to collect signatures. Also students have tweeted about these issues under a certain hashtag (#حق_تحصیل).
I will send you the statement and links of the websites which have published this statement or reported on this matter. We would greatly appreciate your generosity, if you report on this issue, so that the world would hear us.

Sincearly yours
Kasra Noori
The defence proclamation of the right to education (in protest against educational deprivation of Gunabadi Dervishes )

Right to education, is a basic human right, which is recognized by both domestic legislations in Iran, and international treaties to which Iran is comitted. Based on those laws and treaties, every individual regardless of gender, ethnicity and religion must be granted the right to education.

But, every once in a while, various groups of Iranians have witnessed the violation of their unalienable rights. Groups who have been in the focus of various sorts of discriminatory practices, and in the most tragic cases, have suffered loss of life because of their beliefs. Also, activists who have sought justice and equality for these groups, have regularly been subjected to profiling and inappropraite judiciary proceedings in Iran. Among these oppressed minority groups, are Gunabadi Dervishes, who, in the past few months, have been deprived of their right to education and have lost their jobs as teachers and instructors, due to the profiling carried out by Iranian intelligence agencies.

In the latest example of these educational rights’ violation, on saturday, 20th of May 2016, Mostafa Daneshju, a student of “Criminal Law and Criminology” in “Azad university of Tehran”, was expelled from university and banned from any further attempt to pursue education, due to his faith in Friary doctrine. This expulsion was done in accordance with direct order from intelligence authorities.

With emphasize on the right to education as a basic right of each individual in the society, regardless of whatever opinion and belief they might hold. We also demand the cessation of profiling of various minority groups, by Iranian judicial system and intelligence agencies, and that educational ban on individuals from those groups, is removed by the Iranian government.

Now, in a time when a student is banned from continuing education because of his beliefs, we, a group of iranian students, have decided to condemn this action. Today a Dervish student has been deprived from his right to education, and we have no reason to believe that such injustices would not happen to other groups in the future, and that no other individual would ever be deprived of the right to liberty, education or even life. We hope that our unremitting efforts would prevent any further deprivation of the right to education, and we do so while accepting any probable cost. We look forward to a day when we, as human beings, can live peacefully and respectfully, alongside each other.