One Released, Four still in Detention

One Released Four still in Detention

Majzooban Nour reported that a couple hours ago, Zafar Moghimi, one of the five detained dervishes, was released last night and four other dervishes are still in detention. According to the report, the five were arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence which had been named in the early news of the report as the agents of the Sarallah headquarter (revolutionary Guard).

After being arrested, they were first transferred to the follow-up office of the Ministry of Intelligence on Enghelab Street, then; have been sent to the Evin prison after being interrogated.

The arrest of these five Gonabadi dervishes has been accompanied by the air bullets, shocker as well as acts of violence on the ground floor and premises of the hospital last night.

Kasra Nouri (one of the administrators of the Website of Majzooban Nour and student of Human Rights at Tehran University), Mohammad Sharifi Moghaddam, Mohammad Reza Darvishi, also Faezeh Abdipour (a Gonabadi dervishes and student activist) are currently being held at the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence.

There is no information available on the reason for their arrest.

Complementary news will be announced within some hours.