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Iranian authorities warn against rising unemployment


The deputy head of Worker’s House has warned that if job creation plans are not properly managed, in the next two years the country will face a crisis of 1.5 million unemployed workers.

The statement was reported by ILNA two days after Iran’s Labour Minister announced that the government will create 2.5 million jobs over the next two years.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had said in his New Year’s announcement in March that his administration will create 2.5 million jobs in the coming year. Parliament dismissed Ahmadinejad’s statement and urged the administration to work on preserving current jobs in the country.

The Deputy Labour Minister has corrected the 2.5 million figure, saying that only 1.4 million new jobs will be created. There are also plans for 900,000 workers who have been laid off and another 400,000 positions that will be restructured.

The head of Iran’s Worker’s House has told Parliament that the labour sector has suffered severely from the cuts to government subsidies, which have led to widespread layoffs.

Labour experts and Iranian industry have also pointed to unregulated imports as a chief cause of rising unemployment and the crisis in domestic production.

Source : Radi Zamaneh