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Golestan prison official says prisons do not have enough room for high numbers of prisoners in provi


The head of Golestan Prison and Rehabilitation Organization said that there was a severe lack of space in Golestan’s prisons compared to the high number of prisoners.

“Golestan Province has two prisons in the towns of Gonbade Kavous and Gorgan and a Rehabilitation Center in the center of the province with a very high number of prisoners”, Mahmoud Amini said…

“Currently the population of prisoners in the province is 6,681 people. From these prisoners, 6,181 prisoners are male inmates, 428 are females and 75 are under 18 years old”.

The head of the Golestan Prison Organization said that these numbers are very high compared to the existing physical space in prisons and even compared to the population of the province.


(ISNA state-run News Agency)

Sourse : Freedom Messenger