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Three arrested dervishes set free from Esfahan prison


3 Dervishes of Gonabadi Ni’matullahi order who were detained in the circumstance of arresting Mr. Mahjoobi, were released as result of attending and gathering of a large numbers of Dervishes in front of the Esfahan central prison.

3 Dervishes of Gonabadi Ni’matullahi order who were detained in the circumstance of arresting Mr. Mahjoobi, were released as result of attending and gathering of a large numbers of Dervishes in front of the Esfahan central prison.

According to Majzooban, Mr. Hamid Bagheri, Mehdi Porsadam and Vahid Abas zade are 3 dervishes who released some after releasing of Mr. Mahjoobi.

It points out that at 11:30 pm of Sunday, 3 cars of the plain clothes forces and 2 cars of the disciplinary forces attacked to the house of Mr. Hamid Bagheri, the host of Mr. Mahjoobi. After spraying toxic gas and injuring the residents, they arrested Mr. Mahjoobi and Mr. Farshid Mahjoobi and 3 other dervishes and sent them to Esfahan prison.

And also a large numbers of the Gonabadi dervishes came to Esfahan from all over the Iran and attended in front of the Esfahan central prison and were willing to release of their brother in faith. So by observing of large population and unanimity of dervishes, the agents set Mr. Mahjoobi and his son free after 5 hours of illegal detention. But the dervishes stayed there by releasing of other 3 brothers.

Written by Majzooban on Monday 13th Day (3th January 2011)