7 dervishes were on trial in Al-shatar court

On base on the report, the case of inspection of Mr. Parviz Malekshahi’s house and arresting him was formed by Security forces in Al-shatar court on 31th Julay.



7 dervishes were on trial in Al-shatar court
The court case of 7 Gonabadi Ni’matollahi dervishes was considered on 23th January in the al-shatar Enghelab court.
According to Majzooban Nor site, Parviz Malekshahi, Mohsen Malekshahi, Mohammad Malekshahi Hamzeh Malekshahi, Eraj Malekshahi, Hammid reza Nadri, Ehsan Mirzapoor were on trial in the Al-shatar charge of propaganda against government by participating in Sufi’s meeting.
On base on the report, the case of inspection of Mr. Parviz Malekshahi’s house and arresting him was formed by Security forces in Al-shatar court on 31th Julay.
The other case of Mr. Parviz malekshahi in whose house the Sufi’s meeting was held, was considered on Al-shatar judicial court at the presence of his lawyer on 20th January. This case is related to his disobedience against the security forces.
Written by Majzooban Noor site on 22 February 2011