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Apprehension of two Gonabadi Dervishes in Sarvestan

 Majzooban Noor website reporter: Messrs. Mohammad Jalal Nikbakht and Hojatollah Saeedi were arrested in Sarvestan by the security forces and transferred to Shiraz Adel Abad prison on Saturday, Mehr 09, 1390 (October 01, 2011).


Before these Gonabadi Dervishes, along with Mohamad Ali Sadi and Farzad Darvish were sentenced to 6 months in prison and 40 lashes by No. 1, Sarvestan general court.

It is remarkable that on Sunday, Shahrivar 13, 1390 (September 04, 2011), 4 Dervishes from Sarvestan: Mohammad Ali Sadi, Asqar Karimi, Ebrahim Fazli, and Vahid Banani, who had gone to Kavar to pay a visit to their religious brothers, were shot by SWAT and plain-clothes officers at a checkpoint in Kavar. Vahid Banani after 3 days suffering, was martyred, Asqar Karimi and Ebrahim Fazli were released from Shiraz Adel Abad prison on bail of 20,000,000 Tomans, and Mohammad Ali Sadi on Shahrivar 23, 1390 (September 14, 2011) was transferred from Shiraz Rajaee hospital to the intelligence service of Shiraz and then to Adel Abad prison.

The background of the apprehention of Mohammad Jalal Nikbakht, Hojatollah Saeedi, Farzad Darvish, and Mohamad Ali Sadi returns to Mordad 11, 1389 (August 02, 2010).

At that time putting pressure on Gonabadi Dervishes was started by holding a governmental coordinated insulting exhibit against Tasavof which not only was a violation of the constitution regarding freedom of belief and religion, but also its holders intended to provoke Gonabadi Dervishes.

Then these actions were objected by Gonabadi Dervishes asking authorities to stop them, and intensified by the plain-clothes forces’ common politic action: firing exhibition tents and attacking governing office to lead Dervishes peaceful protest to a turmoil one, and enable the scenario planners for frame-up.

This planned and supported scenario entered to its new stage with presence of the legal authorities, citing 24 Gonabadi Dervishes to Sarvestan general and Inqelab courts, arresting 5 other ones and imprisoning Mr. Hadi Rahmani for 90 days.

Abouzar Asadi, the prosecuting attorney, passed a sentence of not guilty on all of cited Dervishes, but the security forces, Imam Jume, and the governor of Sarvestan forced him to charge 4 one of dervishes with peace breakdown, which conduced to the sentence of 6 months in prison and 40 lashes by the on mission judge, Aziz Zarei.

These 4 mentioned Gonabadi Dervishes were Farzad Darvish Sarvestani, Mohamad Ali Sadi, Mohammad Jalal Nikbakht Sarvestani, and Hojatollah Saeedi.

And yet suppression of Gonabadi Dervishes is going on, and putting pressure on them in recent weeks has been intensified with arresting around 100 Dervishes.