Tag: iran

Larijani Reveals Parts of Confidential UN Report and Verbally Attacks Special Rapporteur

  Just weeks before the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran is scheduled to present his latest report at the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, the Head of the Iranian Judiciary Sadegh Larijani is again verbally attacking the Rapporteur, saying at a meeting of top-ranking judicial officials in Tehran on […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (28-01-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1. Fatemeh Karroubi, the wife of Mehdi Karroubi publicised a letter directing at public describing her husband’s physical condition. She indicated that yesterday, after a difficult 9-day treatment period and two operations Mehdi Karroubi was discharged from the hospital and was transferred to a secure building of the […]

Press Freedom Violations Recounted in Real Time January 2014

  23.01.2014- Newspaper owners held arbitrarily since 2011 Mehdi Karoubi, a 77-year-old newspaper owner who has been under house arrest since February 2011, was taken to an unknown place of detention of 17 January after undergoing two back operations – a laminectomy and discectomy – at Tehran’s Arad Hospital. A dissident theologian, former parliamentary speaker […]

English Translation of Draft Citizenship Rights Charter

  Full English text of the Draft Citizenship Rights Charter proposed by President Hassan Rouhani and widely circulated for feedback By UN Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed and the Human Rights in Iran Unit at the City University of New York – Brooklyn College. Download Full Text PDF Translated by the Human Rights in Iran Unit at […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (21-01-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1. Ali Asghar-Faani, the Minister of Education, in a letter to the head of the Judiciary requested pardon of a number of teachers who are currently in detention, due to upcoming events in the near future.2. In its annual report for 2013, the international organisation “Open Doors” stated […]

Human Rights Watch: Abuses Persist Under New Government

  Iranians are facing serious rights abuses, despite President Hassan Rouhani’s numerous promises to respect people’s rights following his June 14, 2013, electoral victory, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2014.Authorities have released some prominent political prisoners but executions continued at high rates. Officials continued to detain many civil society activists and leading […]

As Sanctions Are Relaxed, Western Businesses Look To Iran

  The easing of sanctions on Tehran that has just taken effect is sending Western companies rushing to seek new business opportunities in Iran. A group of senior French executives, including from the energy and automotive sectors, is heading to Tehran early next month. They follow a delegation of British lawmakers who visited this month. […]

Iran Should Release Imprisoned Activist for Urgent Medical Treatment

    Continued Imprisonment Could Cause Irreversible Damage to Her Health The Iranian Judiciary should immediately release imprisoned student activist Bahareh Hedayat before continued imprisonment and lack of adequate medical treatment for her chronic reproductive system problems cause irreversible damage to her health, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. The Judiciary […]

Mohamad Metaji arrested for Texting MP’s Asking For Release Of Green Leaders, His Parents Summoned

  Parents of Mohamad Metaji who sent text messages to MP Hadad Adel and other MPs asking for the release of under house arrest Green leaders have been summoned to Branch 2 of Evin Court. Following text message sent to MP Hadad Adel by Mohamad Metaji in support of the Green Movement leaders, the magistrate […]

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