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Tag: Ali Younesi

Rohani administration puts minority language education on agenda

  The Iranian president’s special aide for ethnic and religious minorities’ affairs has announced that the education of ethnic minorities in their mother tongue is on the government’s agenda. Ali Younesi told Mehr News Agency on Monday January 20 that a meeting was held with the minister of education, and it was agreed that a […]

Iranian administration promises to appoint minorities to key posts

  The Iranian president’s religious and ethnic minority representative said on Sunday December 22 that the administration is working toward appointing ethnic and religious minorities to key posts. Ali Younesi was visiting Sistan-Baluchistan Province when he told IRNA that the government’s actions are based on requests from Baluchi and Sunni elders and trusted figures. Younesi […]

Rohani’s aide slams execution of Kurdish reformists

    The president’s special aide for ethnic and religious minority affairs, Ali Younesi, expressed disappointment and concern regarding the recent executions in Kurdistan. The Rooz website reports that Younesi told a meeting of Kurdish reformist figures and other ethnic minority representatives that the executions were carried out “by extremists.” The report indicates that the […]

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