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Tag: Ali Younesi

Rohani Adviser Says Rights Violations Hurting Iran

  Ali Yunesi, a senior adviser to Iran’s President Hassan Rohani and a former intelligence minister, has admitted that “many cases” of human rights violations are taking place in Iran’s courts and prisons, blaming them on extremists. The human rights situation in the Islamic republic is often the subject of criticism by rights group and […]

Rohani adviser denounces poor treatment of dervishes

  The Iranian president’s adviser on ethnic and minority affairs says the treatment of dervishes in Iran in recent years has been “unfortunate” and “arbitrary” and against “the interests and laws of the Islamic Republic”. IRNA reports that Ali Younesi commented on Friday December 26 on the mistreatment of dervishes in recent years, saying: “Those […]

Rohani administration called powerless to end house arrests

  President Rohani’s adviser Ali Younesi says the administration does not have the authority to end the house arrest of opposition leaders MirHosein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi, adding: “We can only try to lay grounds for their release.” Speaking to reporters on Tuesday November 11 on the sidelines of the Media Fair in […]

Advisor of President: Dervishes’ issue is being solved

Ali Younesi, advisor of president on tribal affairs and minorities, in a brief interview with reporters in the press exhibition, said that the dervishes’ issue is being solved.Based on Majzooban Noor, the former minister of information, in his short words and no more explanations, did not determine any specific date to solve what he called […]

Rohani’s minority advisor faces challenges

  Hassan Rohani’s advisor on ethnic and religious minority affairs has been the subject of serious attacks by the right-wing factions of the Islamic Republic administration, and according to Keyhan, he has been summoned by the judiciary to give certain explanations. Ali Younesi, whom Keyhan refers to as Rohani’s “extremist advisor”, is said to have […]

Iranian broadcaster accused of thwarting government

  Ali Younesi, President Hassan Rohani’s adviser on ethnic and religious minority affairs, says the national television broadcaster Seda va Sim is acting as opposition media against the administration. According to the Shargh daily, Younesi said: “Seda va Sim is supposed to support the president while reflecting the public view regarding the government.” The report […]

President’s advisor speaks for women in leadership positions

  Iranian president’s chief advisor in ethnic and religious minority affairs Ali Younesi said in a press conference on May 3 that there has been a historical oppression of women in the country and the Iranian administration and legislation is patriarchal.   ISNA reports that Younesi who was speaking at the end of his two […]

Rohani’s Adviser Visits Church And Synagogue In Shiraz

  Hojatoleslam Ali Younesi, President Hassan Rohani’s adviser for ethnic groups and religious minorities, visited a church and a synagogue in the city of Shiraz on Friday.Presidentˈs special assistant for ethnic and religious minorities Ali Younesi said religious extremist notion like that of the al-Qaeda has no place in Islamic thinking because it poses threat […]

Sunni prisoners’ families gathered in front of Rohani’s office

  25 members of Sunni prisoners’ families, who are sentenced to death, gathered in front of the presidential palace to meet with Ali Younesi. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), 25 family members of Sunni prisoners who have been sentenced to death and are kept in Rajaei Shahr, Ghezelhesar and […]

Former Intelligence Minister Blasts Judiciary

  In an interview with Mehr News Agency, former Intelligence Minister and top presidential adviser Ali Younesi harshly criticized the Iranian Judiciary on Monday, saying, “The trial process is the cause of more crimes.” In his interview with Mehr, Younesi said that the judicial process and methods employed by the Judiciary “have caused insecurity and […]

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