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Rohani’s Adviser Visits Church And Synagogue In Shiraz



Hojatoleslam Ali Younesi, President Hassan Rohani’s adviser for ethnic groups and religious minorities, visited a church and a synagogue in the city of Shiraz on Friday.
Presidentˈs special assistant for ethnic and religious minorities Ali Younesi said religious extremist notion like that of the al-Qaeda has no place in Islamic thinking because it poses threat to global peace. He made the remarks here in southern country while talking to a gathering of Iranian Jews Friday evening. He said other divine religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism too dismiss such extreme notions.

Younesi further stressed that the general policy of the Islamic system in Iran and the present government in particular is that no Iranian be deprived of its rights for religious reasons.

He said the Islamic system believes that followers of all divine religions are free in conducting their religious rituals. He also noted that good manners of the ancient Iranians made the country a cradle for all divine religions wherein followers of all religions were capable of leading a peaceful life.

Representative of the Iranian Jews in the parliament Siamak Moreh Sedq said that members of the Jewish community have all throughout the history proved to be ˈgood Iraniansˈ fulfilling their national commitments.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency