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Sunni prisoners’ families gathered in front of Rohani’s office



25 members of Sunni prisoners’ families, who are sentenced to death, gathered in front of the presidential palace to meet with Ali Younesi.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), 25 family members of Sunni prisoners who have been sentenced to death and are kept in Rajaei Shahr, Ghezelhesar and Evin prison, gathered in order to meet with Ali Younesi, the presidential assistant of ethnic and religious minorities, and follow their previous letters.

These families that mostly came to Tehran from Sanandaj could not visit Ali Younesi and have been told that he is on a meeting.

The families submitted a written request for re-trial and were forced to leave by the security forces.

There are nearly 40 Sunni prisoners that have been sentenced to death kept in Evin, Rajaei Shahr and Ghezelhesar prison.

HRANA News Agency