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Tag: national

Ardeshir Amir Arjomand: The green movement welcomes a detente consistent with Iran’s national interests

      According to Ardeshir Amir Arjomand, senior adviser to Mir Hossein Mousavi and the spokesperson for the Coordination Council for the Green Path of Hope, if the authorities of the ruling government of Iran would be courageous, in lieu of than putting their trust in foreign states and entering into negotiations with them, […]

Social network expert is collateral victim of National Internet project

  Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Mohammad Solimaninya, an Internet and social network expert who has been detained for the past three months and who, according to the information we have obtained, is being pressured to work with the government on the creation of a “National Internet.”

39 Political Prisoners Declare: The First Step Towards National Sovereignty Is the Unconditional Release of Mousavi & Karroubi

  January 25th, 2012 [Kalame] In an open letter addressed to the nation of Iran, 39 political prisoners call upon the nation to come together to create public awareness regarding the upcoming sham and rigged parliamentary elections in February, and continue to do everything in their power to ensure that the detained leaders of the […]

Iranian ‘Mothers’ Ask, ‘Who Really Endangers National Security?’

  The Mothers of Laleh Park (previously known as the Mourning Mothers of Iran) — a group of women whose children were killed or detained during Iran’s 2009 postelection crackdown — have issued the names of seven members or supporters who have in recent months been sentenced to prison over their activism.

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