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Press freedom violations recounted in real time (from 1st January 2012)

    11.09.2012 – Two bloggers freed Mohammad Reza Ali Pyam, a blogger and satirical poet openly critical of the government, was released on bail of 100 million toman (100,000 euros) on 9 September pending trial. The editor of the blog Halloo, Pyam was arrested at his home by men in plain-clothes on 14 August.

Press freedom violations recounted in real time (from 1st January 2012)

    03.04.2012-Wave of arrests and convictions of journalists undiminished in Iran Reporters Without Borders learned on 30 June of the arrest on of Mohammad Solimaninya, head of the social networking site u24, after he was summoned to Tehran’s Evin prison. The netizen had been previously arrested on 10 January this year then released on […]

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