Tag: islam

The stream of love and the adherence to ancient traditions

  We live in the time of global communication with access to plenty of information and still we have so little knowledge on certain subjects or because we have access to plenty information we sometimes are confused by various interpretations and deliberate misinformation. This speech contains material that resulted from more than 20 years of […]

On the Occasion of Eid–e-Mabas: Prophet Muhammad Foretold in the Torah and Bible

  The coming of Prophet Muhammad had been foretold in the Torah. God had said to Moses: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put My words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him” Deuteronomy 18:18 Who […]

Hazrat Ali’s Letter to Maalik al-Ashtar– Testament of Human Rights and Equality

  Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed, wrote a long letter of guidance after appointing Maalik al-Ashtar to be Governor of Egypt. An excerpts of this letter had been posted . The letter was discovery for Fahmida Riaz who, in an email wrote as follows: “…here is this […]

Fatima is Fatima

  We are going to write briefly about one of the ladies Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.), daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), Wife of Imam Ali (A.S.), mother of Imam Hassan (A.S.) and Imam Hussain (A.S.), the chiefs of the youth of Paradise, and Zainub-e-Kubra (S.A.) so that, it is understood and evident that how should […]

Attar: Muslim Saints and Mystics (Tazkarotol-Oulia) Part 7: Beshr ibn al-Hareth

Beshr ibn al-Harethby Farid al-Din Attar Abu Nasr Beshr ibn al-Hareth al-Hafi was bornnear Merv c. 150(767) and was converted from alife of dissipation, studied Traditions in Baghdad,then abandoned formal learning for the life of amendicant, destitute, starving and barefoot. Hedied in Baghdad in 227 (841). He was admired byAhmad ibn Hanbal and respected by […]

Pope Urges Dialogue with Islam, Says World Must Do More for Poor

  Pope Francis urges interfaith dialogue in speech to diplomats Pope Francis urged the West on Friday to intensify dialogue with Islam, and also appealed to the world to do more to combat poverty. The new pontiff made his appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending a message through them to […]

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