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Fatima is Fatima



We are going to write briefly about one of the ladies Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.), daughter of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), Wife of Imam Ali (A.S.), mother of Imam Hassan (A.S.) and Imam Hussain (A.S.), the chiefs of the youth of Paradise, and Zainub-e-Kubra (S.A.) so that, it is understood and evident that how should an exemplary woman be.”

When Hazrat Fatima’s (S.A.) birth was to take place, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) told Khatija (S.A.) “Jabriel has given me the good news that this child which is going to be born is a daughter and all the infallible Imams will be from her generation.

Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) was born on Friday the 20th of Jamadi ussani, the fifth year of Hijrah, when Quraish were busy in constructing the building of Khana-e-Kaabah.

Fatima (S.A.) was brought up and trained in the family of Prophet (P.B.U.H) and took advantage and share of the knowledge and wisdom of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). She heard the recitation of Quran from the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and leant it by heart, and got busy with the idea and concept of self training and becoming a complete and real human.

She extremely loved her honorable father and the Holy Quran. She took advantage and portion from the blessings of her father’s existence. These were the perfections due to which the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) loved her to the extreme.

As Ali Shariati describes Fatima as a manifestation and a symbol of the way and an essential direction of ‘Islamic thought’. He states that even in the ever changing world in which people’s views towards life constantly change, as a role model Fatima can still be looked up to by women around the world:

I do not know what to say about her or how to say it? I wanted to imitate the French writer who was speaking one day in a conference about the Virgin Mary. He said, “For 1700 years all of the speakers have spoken of Mary. For 1700 years, all philosophers and thinkers of various nations of the East and West have spoken of the value of Mary. For 1700 years, the poets of the world have spent all of their creative efforts and power in their praise of Mary. For 1700 years, all of the painters and artists have created wonderful works of art showing the face and form of Mary. But the totality of all that has been said and the efforts of all the artists and thinkers throughout these many centuries have not been able to better describe the greatness of Mary than the simple words, ‘Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ.”‘

And I wanted to begin in this manner with Fatima. I got stuck.
I wished to say, ‘ Fatima was the daughter of the great Khadija,’ but I sensed this would not fully describe Fatima.
I wished to say, ‘Fatima was the daughter of Muhammad,’ but I sensed this would not fully describe Fatima.
I wished to say, ‘Fatima was the wife of Ali,’ but I sensed this would not fully describe Fatima.
I wished to say, ‘Fatima was the mother of Hassan and Husayn,’ but I sensed this would not fully describe Fatima.
I wished to say, ‘Fatima is the mother of Zaynab,’ but I still sensed this would not fully describe Fatima.
No, these are all true, and none of them is Fatima…. Fatima is Fatima!