Tag: Situation

Report of the Secretary General on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran

  On 15 September 2011, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon published a report on the situation of human rights in Iran. The report describes the situation of human rights in Iran and provides recommendations for the Iranian government’s compliance with UN resolutions. Download PDF of report http://iranhumanrights.org/wp-content/uploads/Sept_2011_Secretary_General_Report.pdf

Unawareness from situation of Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani, one of Majzooban Noor Website’s managers

  Campaign to Honor the Rights of Dervishes : likewise there is not any information about Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani whose detention by the security forces has been lasted from Shahrivar 13, 1390 (September 4, 2011), and his situation is unknown.

Iran human rights situation deplorable; Regime must improve press freedom

GVF — In a letter to Ahmad Shaheed, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, the Committee to Protect Journalists has urged action with respect to the “deplorable state of journalists” in the country, highlighting the continued violation of human rights perpetrated by Iranian authorities.

Open letter to the newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran

  Of one Essence is the human race, Thusly has Creation put the Base; One Limb impacted is sufficient, For all Others to feel the Mace. Iranian poet Saadi (~1200-1292) Dr. Ahmed Shaheed UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran c/o Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais […]

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