Tag: Article

A Grand Master of Sufism

This question cannot be answered in a small website page and not everyone can answer the question easily.   Possibly books are needed to describe his truly peaceful, charismatic, and noble in every sense character.  However in order not to leave the question totally unanswered, the following is an attempt to describe him very briefly.

Comparison in poetry of Shah Nematollah Vali and of Hafiz (Dr. Hanna Stemerding)

 Shah Nematollah composed mystic poetry and Hafìz composed mystic poetry; still one cannot say that both were poets; Yes Hafiz was above all a poet, he depicted his images in poetry like miniatures, rich in colors, states of mood, he crosses all dimensions in space and time. His literary talent is above all doubt.

Understanding and Believing

It is generally recognized that man is capable of believing without understanding; one is much less aware of the inverse possibility, that of understanding without believing, and it even appears as a contradiction, since faith does not seem to be incumbent except on those who do not understand. Yet hypocrisy is not only the dissimulation […]

Old Lithuanian Songs

LITHUANIAN is the oldest, that is, the most archaic in form, of all living Indo-European languages[1]. It still retains a complexity comparable to that of Sanskrit1 and classical Greek. Various historical and geographical reasons are given by scholars for this "lack of development" so called out of deference to progressism and evolutionism; but there can […]

Symbols and the Interpretation of Symbols (Ananda K. Coomaraswamy)

SYMBOLS1 and signs, whether verbal, musical, dramatic or plastic, are means of communication. The references of symbols are to ideas and those of signs to things. One and the same term may be symbol or sign according to its context: the cross, for example, is a symbol when it represents the structure of the universe, […]

Metaphysics and Virtue in Sufism (Titus Burckhardt)

Sufi doctrine possesses several branches, the two most important of which are the domain of Universal Truths (Haqâ’iq) and the domain relating to the human or individual stages of the spiritual way (daqâ’iq); in other words, metaphysics (the science of principles, or of the Principle) and virtue (the “science of the soul”). Needless to say, […]

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