February 25th, 2012 – According to reports by Norooz, incarcerated reformist Mostafa Tajzadeh’s daughter Arefeh Tazjadeh and his son-in-law Ali Tabatabai, received a notice to appear at Evin’s Shahid Moghaddas court in the next 20 days. Although they both currently reside abroad, the summon also stated that they have been banned from traveling and […]
Tag: mostafa
New paradigm for a future Iran needed
Mehriran.de – This is a lecture held by Dr. Azmayesh at the conference “Iran – country of diversities. Consequences of the Arab spring for Iran.” from 18th February 2012 in Vienna, Austria
Iran nuclear expert buried as Russia warns on sanctions
BBC – The funeral of a nuclear scientist killed in a targeted car bomb attack has taken place in Tehran.
UN Chief Says Attacks On Scientists To Be Condemned
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says attacks such as the killing of an Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran earlier this week are to be condemned.
Iranian nuclear chemist killed by motorbike assassins
A chemist working at Iran’s main uranium enrichment plant was killed on Wednesday when attackers on a motorbike stuck a magnetic bomb to his car.
Tishk TV, Dr Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh, English Subtitles
Persianamuk – Interview with Dr. Azmayesh http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T_O5NmtK3gg
Top reformist says leader’s brother in charge of his case
Prominent reformist Mostafa Tajzadeh, who was jailed along with his wife in the crackdown on reformists following the controversial 2009 elections, says both their judicial cases are being directly handled by Mojtaba Khamenei, the brother of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.
I Seyed Mostafa Tajzadeh shall not participate in election
In an effort to confront the lies, corruption and incompetence of the ruling government and in order to prevent the further establishment of an absolute dictatorship and a parliament composed of yes sayers that feel no responsibility to hold the government entities and the Supreme Leader accountable, I Seyed Mostafa Tajzadeh shall not participate, […]
BBC Persian; Dr Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh, English Subtitles
Try this link : http://hriran.com/en/statmentspressmovies/62-movies/655-bbc-persian-dr-seyed-mostafa-azmayesh-english-subtitles.html
Press conference in the Bund Press Conference House in Berlin
Mehriran.de – On the occasion of Human Rights Day, the IGFM Frankfurt organized a press conference in Berlin on the current situation in Egypt and Iran. This is the contribution of the International Organization to Preserve of Human Rights in Iran.