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Incarcerated Reformist Mostafa Tajzadeh’s Daughter and Son-in-Law Summoned to Appear At Evin Court



February 25th, 2012 – According to reports by Norooz, incarcerated reformist Mostafa Tajzadeh’s daughter Arefeh Tazjadeh and his son-in-law Ali Tabatabai, received a notice to appear at Evin’s Shahid Moghaddas court in the next 20 days.  Although they both currently reside abroad, the summon also stated that they have been banned from traveling and leaving the country.

Tajzadeh himself recently eluded to the fact that he is expecting a new “gift” of sorts from the Supreme Leader to his family.

Tajzadeh was illegally arrested on the direct orders of Mojtaba Khamenei and has spent the past 18 months in quarantine at Evin prison in conditions no different than solitary confinement.  He was recently denied visitation rights with his close family members (including his one daughter who lives in Iran) at the orders of the prosecutor’s deputy of security and is currently only allowed to meet with his wife once a week from behind a cabin window.

It is worth mentioning that Mostafa Tajzadeh’s physical condition is far from ideal as a result of the daily fast he launched after his illegal arrest and incarceration.
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Source: Norooz –