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Tag: Human Rights

New information about injuries sustained by political prisoners

  Among the serious injuries sustained in today’s violent raid were face and neck injuries; rupture of the artery; skull fracture; broken ribs; broken bones in hands and feet; swelling, bruising and trauma caused by baton strikes. According to Keleme this type of violent altercation in Ward 350 has been unprecedented in the past two […]

Shocking Details about the Beating of Political Prisoners; 2 Jailed Dervishes transferred to solitary confinement

  During the violent encounter that took place in Evin Ward 350 on Thursday, 30 prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement. According to Kaleme, 30 political prisoners who protested the violent conduct of officials and their use of batons were transferred to solitary cells in Ward 240 per orders of Intelligence and prison security officials. […]

EU Opens a new Chapter

  The repeated international negative reports on the appalling conditions of human rights in Iran have gradually turned into a judgment of Hassan Rouhani and his administration. First UN Secretary General Banki Moon announced to the Security Council that Rouhani has not taken any effective steps in addressing human rights issues despite his promises on […]

Iran denounces European resolution on human rights

  The Greek ambassador to Iran was summoned by the Iranian foreign ministry following the European Parliament’s recent resolution on the state of human rights in Iran. Greece currently holds the revolving presidency of the European Union; the Iranian foreign ministry passed on its “express dissatisfaction” with this resolution to its Greek counterpart. A ministry […]

Iran dismisses UN stance on human rights in Iran

  Iran’s Foreign Ministry says the latest UN human rights vote against the Islamic Republic is “politically motivated” and “counterproductive.” On March 28, the UN Human Rights Council renewed the mission of its human rights rapporteur for Iran, Ahmad Shaheed, with 21 votes in favour, nine against and 16 abstentions. This is the fourth year […]

Letter by Hossein Ronaghi’s father to Tehran Prosecutor

  Committee of Human Rights Reporters – In a letter to the Tehran Prosecutor, Hossein Ronaghi’s father divulges that a judicial office administrator has personally taken action to prevent medical furlough for the jailed activist. In his letter Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki disclosed that an individual by the name of Sattari who is the Director of […]

Judicial lack of accountability and disregard for the law in the case of Hossein Ronaghi Meleki

  The Tehran Revolutionary Court rejected the findings of the medical examiner’s office and denied medical leave for Hossein Ronaghi. According to Kaleme, the Tehran Prosecutor in accordance with Article 291 of the Criminal Procedure Code forwarded the findings of the country’s highest legal medical examiner’s office to Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court which […]

This Valentine’s Day, bring human rights into the conversation with Iran

  For much of the world, February 14 is known as a day to celebrate love. But in Iran, Valentine’s Day has come to mark another occasion as well—the anniversary of the house arrest of Iran’s leading opposition figures Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard. On February 14, 2011, Iranian authorities placed Mousavi, […]

Human Rights Continue to be Violated Under Rouhani

  Recent reports published by human rights organizations indicate that human rights conditions in Iran have not changed much since Hassan Rouhani came to office last June. In its annual global report this year, Human Rights Watch for example wrote, “While tens of human rights activists and opposition figures were released from prisons around Iran […]

Human rights denied to prisoner/activist Ms. Maryam Shafi’Pour

  During one of the most “alarming” months under jurisprudence in Iran, as 40 executions were carried out in the region since the start of the new year in 2014, jailed activist Maryam Shafi’Pour is still waiting for a stay on her case of incarceration. Shafi’Pour has been imprisoned since July 2010, outline human rights […]

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