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Tag: Human Rights

Mohamad Metaji arrested for Texting MP’s Asking For Release Of Green Leaders, His Parents Summoned

  Parents of Mohamad Metaji who sent text messages to MP Hadad Adel and other MPs asking for the release of under house arrest Green leaders have been summoned to Branch 2 of Evin Court. Following text message sent to MP Hadad Adel by Mohamad Metaji in support of the Green Movement leaders, the magistrate […]

Intelligence Ministry May Be More “Flexible” in Respecting Human Rights, Says Lawyer

  Ghasem Sholeh Sadi, lawyer and former Member of the Parliament and political prisoner, told the International Campaign for Human Rights that he is somewhat optimistic about the consequences of the draft Citizenship Rights Charter presented by President Hassan Rouhani in November. “For example, the Intelligence Ministry may show more flexibility during this period. But […]

Hossein Ronaghi’s message of condolences to Peyman Arefi

  My honorable and suffering friend Peyman, A prisoner knows well the meaning of being imprisoned, understands the agony of loss and separation. The tragic incident that resulted in the death of your mother and wife was an “accident”, but did not happen “accidently.” I believe this devastating event was the tragic end result of […]

Joint open letter to Iranian president Rouhani

  We, the undersigned representatives of human rights and civil society organizations, are writing to express our concern at the continuing and systematic state persecution of individuals perceived to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. For at least the past decade, the authorities have used articles of the Islamic Penal Code criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual […]

Iranian Professor Publicly Refutes Government Claims on Human Rights

  Tehran University Political Science Professor Sadegh Zibakalam publicly challenged Head of the Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani’s recent remarks stating that Western countries’ criticism of Iran’s human rights record is in opposition to Islam. “Contrary to what is routinely said, I believe the criticisms raised against us about human rights have nothing to do with […]

Mansour Farhang: Zarif and the Pursuit of Rights and Respect (Commentary)

  “An ambassador is an honest gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.” The endurance of this remark by Sir Henry Wotton, a 17th century English diplomat, is due to the fact that it contains an element of truth. Politically astute diplomats, however, know the limits of such practice. They are […]

UN Shows Strong Support for Human Rights in Iran with 83-to-36 Vote  (November 19, 2013) – The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran welcomes the United Nations General Assembly’s Third Committee vote today overwhelmingly supporting human rights in Iran, and urges the Iranian government to comply with UN human rights mechanisms and take concrete steps to address the ongoing violations in the country. Resolution A/C.3/68/L.57 […]

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