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Tag: Human Rights

“A Window of Opportunity in Iran,” Says Special Rapporteur

  At the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed presented his latest interim report on the situation of human rights in Iran and answered questions from several countries’ representatives today. Although Iranian authorities have yet to allow Shaheed to enter the country, the Iranian representative to the UN met […]

Efforts to Remove Laws Contradictory to Human Rights

  Interview with the Spokesperson of the Center for the Defenders of Human Rights In Iran, human rights attorneys have always been under threat, pressure, extortion, legal pursuit and even in prison. But since the 2009 presidential elections, the conditions have become worse for them. Many were sued, prosecuted and given heavy sentences. Some were barred […]

Letter by mother of Hossein Ronaghi to Ayatollah Khamenei; I can’t be witness to the suffering of my innocent son in prison

  Hossein Ronaghi’s mother Zoleikha Mousavi has written a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei urging him to look into the situation of her jailed and ailing son.The letter as provided to Kaleme today is as follows: *** Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic Greetings I am Zoleikha Mousavi, mother Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, […]

Maryam Shafipour’s father says he has no information about daughter’s whereabouts or condition

  Maryam Shafipour, student activist, former member of Mehdi Karroubi ‘s presidential election campaign and student deprived of her education was arrested on August 5, 2013 by Iran ‘s Intelligence Ministry. According to reports, several days ago she was transferred from prison to a hospital without the knowledge of her family. Her father says he […]

Summoning Of Green Movement Activists To Prison Continues, 3 Activists Were Summoned To Prison

  Summoning Of Green Movement Activists To Prison Continues.1- Mehdi Doulati Daraabad Green Movement and online activist Mehdi Doulati Daraabad reported to Ward 350 to start serving his five years imprisonment sentence. Doulati Daraabad was arrested in a raid on his parents home by the Intelligence Ministry’s agents in February 2012 and was taken to […]

Where is Arash Sadeghi? Amid Controversy Fate Of Arash Sadeghi Remains Uncertain

  Allameh Tabatabaei university student activist Arash Sadeghi was first arrested July 09, 2009, during the suppression of post-2009 presidential election events. He was released without being charged after 50 days in solitary confinement . Sadeghi was re-arrested December 2009 after the mass street protests of Ashura. He was later released on March 16, 2010. […]

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