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Tag: Human Rights

Tehran Prosecutor Has Denied Medical Furlough For Jailed Blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki

  Following the denial of medical furlough for his son, Hossein Ronaghi’s father Ahmad Ronaghi is requesting help from UN Special Rapporteur, Ahmed Shaheed and the authorities in obtaining medical furlough for his son. According to the Human Rights News Agency, finally, on Tuesday September 10, Tehran’s Prosecutor General announced that he will not grant […]

Families of slain victims ask Hossein Ronaghi to end his hunger strike

  September 4, 2013 Noble people of Iran, Honorable authorities of the Islamic Republic, This is the sound of the pain carried by the mothers of this land. It is the sound of families bereaved with grief that has thousands of times died under the weight of their lost ones. But with disbelief every day, […]

Khatami’s message to Hossein Ronaghi to end his hunger strike

  In the name of God I am very disheartened that the constraints and restrictions that have existed for the people still continue today. The expectation was that with the blessed transformation that took place we would be witness to the release of prisoners and a termination of imposed limitations. The hunger strike of Mr. […]

Ward 350 Political Prisoners: We Are Witnessing The Gradual Death Of One Of Our Cellmates

  15 political prisoners incarcerated in Evin Ward 350 have written to Chief Judiciary Ayatollah Amoli Larijani voicing their concernm and warning him about the dire health condition of on-hunger strike political prisoner Hossein Ronaghi Maleki. Hossein Ronaghi was arrested on December 13, 2009, during the unrest that followed the disputed presidential election of 2009. […]

“My Son Is Under Pressure To Give False Confession” Says Father Of Political Prisoner Pezhman Zafarmand

  Political prisoner Pezhman Zafarmand’s father, Hassan Zafarmand, tells the National-Religious website, “A few days ago I was finally able to visit my son for a few minutes in the presence of security guards. He was in a very bad shape, looked very pale, and hardly had the strength to talk. He said he had […]

Rouhani Should Honor Voters’ Demand for Human Rights

  (August 21, 2013) Iranian president Hassan Rouhani should take concrete steps to curb widespread human rights abuses by the government of Iran and reinstate the rule of law in the country, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. In a briefing paper released today, Fulfilling Promises: A Human Rights Roadmap for […]

Intensified Pressure On Political Prisoners Pezhman Zafarmand And Akbar Amini To Force Confessions

  Father of political prisoner Pezhman Zafarmand said his son contacted the family. He is still in solitary confinement at Ward 240 of Evin prison and is under psychological pressure to extract a false confession. Zafarmand has not been permitted a family visit yet and has only had two phone contacts since his arrest. According […]

Majid Doori: I wanted to address my letter to the wall, but I know the wall would crumble after hearing my plight…

  Imprisoned student activist Majid Doori has written a letter from Karoon prison in Ahvaz after he was illegally transferred there from Behbahan prison. Following is translation of his letter: I wanted to address my letter to the wall, but I know the wall would crumble after hearing my plight….. Behbahan is a city where […]

Four Female Political Prisoners Have Been Denied Visits With Their Children Last Three Weeks

  Weekly visits of a number of female political prisoners with their children have been denied for the past three weeks. This action has been taken without any explanation from the prison officials or the district attorney’s office. Faran Hesami with a four year old child, Maryam Akbari Monfared mother of three girls ages seven, […]

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