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Tag: arash sadeghi

The Presence of Political Activists at Dervishes Peaceful Protest; Gunshots into the Air

  According to Majzooban Noor reporters, political prisoner, Arash Sadeghi, who has been granted temporary release, was again arrested in Dervishes gathering in front of Tehran Prosecutor’s office today . Political prisoner and student activist Arash Sadeghi, intended to participate in the peaceful protest by the families of jailed dervishes and other political prisoners in […]

Arash Sadeghi Talks with Reformist Journalist after Prison Release

  An Interview with Arash Sadeghi by Masih Alinejad Masih Alinejad (MA): Mr. Sadeghi, following the statement by Mr. Eje’i, the [Islamic Republic’s Judiciary Spokesperson], [which denied your imprisonment in Evin], there were much doubts surrounding your whereabouts. I am very glad to see you *free. Can you tell us where you were being held? […]

Where is Arash Sadeghi? Amid Controversy Fate Of Arash Sadeghi Remains Uncertain

  Allameh Tabatabaei university student activist Arash Sadeghi was first arrested July 09, 2009, during the suppression of post-2009 presidential election events. He was released without being charged after 50 days in solitary confinement . Sadeghi was re-arrested December 2009 after the mass street protests of Ashura. He was later released on March 16, 2010. […]

Dear President-Elect Rouhani: Can we PLEASE Give this Poor Young Man a Break?

Dear President-Elect Rouhani: I am writing to you to ask you to stop the astounding brutalization heaped upon a young man who has had to pay a horrible price for his mere participation in peaceful political activism. I welcome your recent statements that indicate your desire to usher in reforms that would lead to greater […]

Prisoner of Conscience Said To Be Alive, Though No One Has Seen Him In Prison

  Following rumors that prisoner of conscience Arash Sadeghi had died in prison, his former lawyer told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that he is alive, though the lawyer refused to answer questions about whether Sadeghi had been beaten in prison. Sadeghi’s former cellmate told the Campaign no prisoners have seen him, […]